Doomed with darkness,
Total Darkness,
My fingers raced down his head,
Soon down his back they begin to tread.
His wild musk aroma lingered through,
As his body grazed mine with a warm touch too.
The music of his heart,
Just told us we couldn't part.
With a gentle lean, he whispered,
"I'm yours, 'lone yours" his deep voice I heard.
My fifth sense hinted me,
That time would keep it me and he,
However content I feel,
I'm actually deprived in real.
An individual essential,
Which could make my existence come to real.
Add a zest to my life,
And efface my strife.
Without true perception,
How I wish i could see my reflection.
I crave for bright sight,
To feel the light,
To perceive some colour,
A dash of jade or a blot of yellow,
Its only and interrogation,
To bless me with vision.
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
My Interrogation for Vision
4 anything but sweet nothings: Inked by ChronicP!nk at Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Hint: vision
The thought of life, all of a sudden,
Seemed like a nightmare, and the reality hidden.
Where did truth, faith and sincerity go?
Berried with the bones of the old in the snow?
My brainwaves sometimes signal that these were immolated,
This notion to me can be highly debated.
Immolated? That means theres more in store?
My thoughts truly doubt it, if truth, faith and sincerity have walked out the door.
0 anything but sweet nothings: Inked by ChronicP!nk at Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Monday, 21 May 2007
Horoscope or Horrorscope?
You may be facing a major crisis at this time. Only your own dedicated efforts will bring about any of these changes you’ve been hoping for. If you are secretly seeing someone a friend may ‘accidentally’ find out and not be able to keep it to herself. This month maybe a little slower than you would like it to be, but keep in mind that this is just a phase that will soon pass.
Sounds familiar? Well yeah, that was off a magazine from the horoscope page.
Read those sentences again, I mean, how diplomatic can one get? ‘Only your own dedicated efforts will bring about any of these changes you’ve been hoping for.’ Since when did someone else’s effort truly pay off for you?
Randomly a horoscope writer (if they call themselves that) just feels that ALL Librans will face a crisis at the same time? Is that even close to believable? We need some serious reality checks here.
And if you are a Libran who's going through a crisis ‘Oh, whatta coincidence!’
Its most common when optimistic things are written about you for the day/month, the human mind is such that it connects to things that have or are going to occur, simply because we are greedy for happiness. Who isn’t?
Another aspect horoscopes talk of is the attempted matchmaking stated. Ariens make good partners with Pisceans, so if your already married to a Taurean and leading a happy life and are convinced by horoscopes, your going to divorce your spouse and go Piscean hunting? Or are you going to live the rest of your life under the shadow of we’re-not-made-for-eachother-no-more. *boo hoo*
Well its another that draws itself down to the matter of faith, if it makes you happy to believe that random words strung together by a bored writer which coincidently might come true. Good luck with life.
In my opinion though, horoscopes are bits of pointless matter written to fill up empty spaces of a newspaper/magazine. They scare me. What are they doing to half the world that believes this baloney? Very scary.
0 anything but sweet nothings: Inked by ChronicP!nk at Monday, May 21, 2007
Thursday, 17 May 2007
This randomness gets to me often. It rides all the way from the Alps of Singapore where cockatoo’s that fly inside-out and cows with purple stripes dine with pig princesses and psychedelic pigeons. You should try eating with your toes, and always read Shakespeare with your eyes shut. This neat art resembles that of Taekwondoo which is equivalent to the yogic pleasure obtained while running upside down on the treadmill.
fi e’ruoy yllaer derob ekil em, uoy dluouhs yrt gnitirw sdrawkcab, ti yllaer spleh emit og tsap retsaf.
I heard a uncomplicated shade of fish essence that looked like an insane vegan feasting on wilted flowers and batter fried nails tried to attack apple tinted jars of tar with copper sulphate solution and speckled umbrellas. It often makes me curious to know how such comical things occur, sometimes I feel its because of the planetary changes that cracks codes of butter and oranges that need to be squeezed fresh. There is a distant proximity between picnic tables and light bulbs which causes severe insomnia to cameras and chilly beef.
.state sane my to back get and stop I time its manner serious very a in brain my to getting now is This
*Jumps up and down, wriggles and screams “hooperableduckifyaspectospluteriblecrankox!” *
Phew, I’m back.
2 anything but sweet nothings: Inked by ChronicP!nk at Thursday, May 17, 2007
Hint: giberish
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Faux Fag it
Flip your fag fixation; launder your lungs, Pursue your pleasure while you keep your health happy.
I was reading the STOI the other day and my eye happened to catch something that read “e-cigarette”. Living in a society of chimneys I made sure I read it and now blog it too.
It’s the Chinese again. The small eyed genius’ take a step to get smokers to stub out of the habit.
They’re new creation is an electronic cigarette, better known as the ‘e-cigarette’, which I quite thought should stand for eco-friendly cigarette. This make- do stick of nicotine has a face of a real cigarette, feels like one and keeps your lungs squeaky clean. For all those who couldn’t kill the craving, now smoke a cigarette without infecting your insides!
That’s what tech brings us by the day.
This battery operated gadget sits in your mouth just as a normal cigarette, glowing away, giving you the taste of nicotine, keeping your local smoke dump trash free. Finally, a perfect father’s day gift.
Willing to pay a whopping $208 for a ciggie? (Now don’t calculate how many you can buy out of that many bucks already.)
Wean yourself out of it, look on the bright side its not going to be cash to ash ever again.
So if you believe that nicotine is the sweetest taste on earth, get yourself a non-toxic fake cancer stick and begin your guilt free puffing.
0 anything but sweet nothings: Inked by ChronicP!nk at Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Hint: cigarette
Its All About the Rain
Its all about the rain,
Far flung from pain,
Beautiful bliss I feel,
Its all about the rain.
From sky to rock,
I hear her talk,
Softly she glistens on my skin,
Drops of ecstasy she holds within.
Wet at touch,
Never too much,
Its all about the rain.
Wide smiles upon faces,
With the freshness she embraces.
Invincible by birth,
Adept tempt by leaving us with dearth,
I need her immortal.
Its all about the rain.
Take me on,
Drench me down,
Slay me till tomorrow,
Mizzle on me forever.
All so granted,
'Coz its all about the rain.
2 anything but sweet nothings: Inked by ChronicP!nk at Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Hint: rain
Saturday, 12 May 2007
Cup Controversy '07
A simple game like cricket, involving a bat, a ball and some existence of using them, the thought of controversies or problem seems non- existent. But after all lets wake to reality- its an English game. Jokes apart, this cricket World cup ’07 played at the
The positives and negatives are so extreme, some quite unimaginable.
Well getting to the point its been a long 47 days of joy, mourn, good cricket and horribly bad cricket too. A few happenings drew my attention significantly.
To begin with the bad, Bob Woolmer, 59, a former South African player and was the current coach for
There was a twist in the tale when there were rumors about
The PCB suffered a sad loss of an excellent coach and a pure and humble soul.
RIP Bob.
Moving all the way to the World Cup final, the most awaited match, the Aussies created magic again. But this time their magic wasn’t as pure. It was seen that
Obviously the Srilankan’s complained, saying that the use of additional aids ruins the spirit and tradition of the game. But the MCC saw no wrong and approved of it.
Well its too late to complain, the cups gone down under and it has no plans of rising back up.
This World Cup brought out some great talent and entertainment too. A few events such as Herschelle Gibbs 6 sixes of an over and Srilankan speedster Malinga’s 4 wickets of 4 delivery’s literally made us jump out of our seats. And to top it off
Last but not least, Goodbye’s are to be said sooner or later. This World Cup we have some really commendable performers retire. Starting of with Inzamam Ul Haq retiring as captain, (Aloo, we’ll miss the “Bismillah-ur-Rehman-ur-Raheem”) and
The King of Caribbean cricket, Brian Charles Lara, and the workhorse for the Aussies, Glenn McGrath have also bid goodbye to the game.
“Come Play!” the World Cup caption I thought was taken a bit too seriously! The game of fate along with the play of cricket took a great turn this time. Wonder what’s in store for the next?
p.s: I am an Indian supporter/fan. The reason I didn’t mention the name of our motherland was because our appalling performance will a) make this post walk its way to the censor board and b) make it boring. It’s broadcasted enough to be read once more. All I hope for is the cup back home next World cup.
Acknowledgments : Avanish Hegde and Sandil Srinivasan for helping me with the factual information.
0 anything but sweet nothings: Inked by ChronicP!nk at Saturday, May 12, 2007
Hint: cricket
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Race it refined
Key it in. Rotate 90º E. Kick the accelerator. Fly.
I’m quite late at this, but yeah Honda has launched her recently, she is suave, smooth and powerful, making her debut in
Carries herself with debonair, the look of a mighty face, sleek body and a firm ass, the car is gem-like. Paint her a mighty black, pimp white, slate grey, subtle silver, sky blue or a cherry red she’s a beauty in every colour, every angle.
Like any other normal car, she has four exits, but her other features are surely enhanced. Starting with the striking deck that pumps volume like sub-woofers do, to the blue lit up oh-so-cool digital speed-o-meter she finishes of with a touch of tech.
As for the safety, to prevent locking of wheels during braking, avoiding skids and giving you a good control over the steering wheel, an Anti-lock braking system is loaded.
If you have plans of crashing up you have soft airbags to comfort you while your in a mess.
The car is as its slogan talks- Pure Exhilaration. If you really want style, luxury and perfection put together, Voila! The Honda Civic is the ideal deal for you.
She was too good to resist, so a lovely red cherry sits in my garage. She’s mine.
What you waiting for? Go get yours.
1 anything but sweet nothings: Inked by ChronicP!nk at Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Wednesday morning,
Yes, that’s right, I’m talking ‘bout the flea market where cars, children and cows rattle around. From fake tee’s and colourful beads to antiques and shoes, they have it all.
38ºC, Sunny boy’s on your back making you melt, tan and making you want to take the first flight to
Well it works for them and seems to be working for me as well. So what the heck?
The items you buy vary in price, of course according to its composition. If you’re skin happens to be white, don’t be surprised to go home with a hole in your pocket, because those guys behind the beads sure know who to target, a.k.a. The rich holidayers who are half naked dying for a tan usually belonging to the Hommie sect.
On the other hand if you’re a chilled out brownie, don’t hesitate on using /practicing your bargaining skills and tactics. If you’re really good at it, you can take the test by making your way to a whole new outfit at half a grand. Yep, Head to toe, Hat to boot. Don’t think its possible? I did it.
Even if you detest shopping *super-sin* and thought my blog was a waste of time, Goa IS the place to be. Fly away.
0 anything but sweet nothings: Inked by ChronicP!nk at Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Hint: vacation
Keep Me Colourblind
My first attempt at a song, this is officially now Bunk 14's. Rock it boys.
Keep Me Colourblind.
Strike me with a white crayon,
And only black still lives unborn.
Let my Mondays Grey,
Taking me into a dead black Saturday,
Maybe an optimistic white Sunday morn,
My life needs no colour, free me forlorn,
Oh, keep me colourblind,
With no happiness to find,
Devoid of hue,
One and the same without you.
I see no pretty skies,
With no answers to my whys.
I only feel the blue,
Yes, that’s life without hue,
Without you.
The hazel in your eye,
Has said its long goodbye,
You took yourself away,
How I wish you'd stay.
Those drops of sunshine,
You were so pretty mine,
A sudden splash of sapphire, A blot of jade,
Those memories will never fade.
0 anything but sweet nothings: Inked by ChronicP!nk at Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Hint: colour