Tuesday, 31 July 2007

25 things.

"Make a list of 25 things that you want to do before you die. and keep it with you, wherever you go"
-author unknown

Found this post on another blog, thought I'd make a list too.

So here goes-

1)Talk to a shining star so far. (Okay, this is already sounding like a poem! Ugh!)
2)Get a diamond dust massage.
3)Drink the purest of water straight from a spring.
4)Learn to Salsa
5)Sit in a formula one racer's car.
6)Experience frozen rain.
7)Breakfast in Rome, Lunch in London and dinner in New York.
8)Sleep on clouds.
9)Dance to the song of moonlight.
10)Act in a movie.
11)Float in a bubble.
12)Touch hearts.
13)Save someones life.
14)Walk through a snow willow.
15)Be an idol.
16)Get lost in the dark with someone I love.
17)Ride a tiger.
18)Listen to the sunshine.
19)Kiss a baby's foot.
20)Right now, meet someone. (Sorry not gonna disclose that, that someone who reads this would know.)

25)Fly into the clouds and never return.

Leaving some for later. Theres so much more to even think about.

Monday, 30 July 2007

Once upon a time.. A thousand tanks.

We urbanites, very impressively, concerned about our environment suddenly sprang to take some action.

If you'll are still lost, Hebbal lake is undergoing a face-lift, well a bit more than that.

One of Bangalore's natural lake (not anymore) located in North Bangalore, having an area of 150 acres, is now bone dry.

On this ex-water body, a floating restaurant is soon to be set up. East India Hotels Ltd, the parent company of the Oberoi group, has bagged a contract from the Lake Development Authority in 2006 to “develop” the lake under a public-private partnership.

Oh, new place to chill out at? Yeah maybe. I study at a school where most of the students are against the upcoming of hotel at the now dried up lake. My concern is that why only Hebbal lake? Is it only for the aesthetic value of the lake that we are protesting to save it?


The Siddikatte Lake has now become the bustling City Market, Sampangi tank now houses the Kanteerava Sports Stadium, Dharmambudhi is now the busy Kempe Gowda Bus Stand, the Karanji tank is the Gandhi Bazar area, Kempambudhi is now a sewerage collection tank, Chennamma tank a burial ground, Akkithimmanahalli tank is the Corporation Hockey Stadium, Jakkarayanakere is also converted into a sports ground, and the Miller Tank area houses the Guru Nanak Bhavan, schools, and several buildings.

If the only comeback is going to be, we weren't born then to take action? Well there’s another lake towards Yelahanka which is being bought and soon going to be land-raised and Karnataka Chitra Kala Parishad is going to be built on it. I'm pretty sure there are other lakes too that will disappear before we even know it (or maybe we wouldn't).

I strongly feel that only since it’s in the press, there is such a hullabaloo about Hebbal lake. If your the true lake lover out there and is strongly hating me already, go ahead and take action on other shadowed lakes which have not yet entered the process of signed papers, because, trust me, once money is in, nothing will rule over, after all we dwell in a corrupt land.

p.s: Being a Bangalorean, losing another lake categorizes under monotony.

Source: http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/mp/2002/09/19/stories/2002091900780200.htm